How Much Should a Website Cost: An Honest Breakdown Of Pricing

By Brandon Smith


The cost of building a website varies widely depending on the approach you choose. DIY page builders like Wix are the cheapest, starting at $0 to build and $10-$30 per month for maintenance. Pre-designed template websites range from $60 to $500 upfront, with monthly maintenance costs of $10-$150. Custom-designed WordPress sites typically start around $2,000, with more complex sites going up to $20,000 or more, plus maintenance fees of $50-$250 per month. Custom-coded websites are the most expensive, ranging from $5,000 to $500,000+, with maintenance costs potentially reaching $10,000+ per month. Additional costs like hosting, domain names, and advanced features can further impact your overall budget.

The reality is that the cost of a website can vary widely based on numerous factors, making the question, “How much should a website cost?” a complex one to answer. However, my goal in this article is to break down and explain the different factors that contribute to the overall cost of a website, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each option. Let’s start by exploring the different ways you can build a website.

Do-It-Yourself Page Builders

For the purpose of this article ‘do it yourself page builders’ are referencing websites such as Wix or other similar drag and drop options. These options are great for small business owners looking to do everything them selves and keep costs as low as possible. However this option also takes the most time investment from yourself and limits both the design and capability of your website. Also like with most do it yourself projects there’s a chance you might make major mistakes that could negatively impact your company in the long term and not even realize it.


  • Low Cost
  • Somewhat Custom Design
  • Minimal Monthly Cost


  • Designs Typically Lacking
  • Big Time Commitment
  • Easy To Make Mistakes


  • Cost To Build: 0$
  • Maintenance: 10$-30$

Pre-Designed Template Websites

Template websites are pre-built designs sold to multiple businesses, typically ranging from $60 to $500 or more, depending on whether you set it up yourself or hire an agency or freelancer. The main advantages of this option include a well-designed site with key aspects like accessibility and technical SEO already addressed, making it one of the fastest ways to launch a website. However, doing it yourself can require a significant time investment.

Additionally, because many companies may use the same template, your site might not stand out or fully represent your brand. These templates can also be limited in terms of customization, making it difficult to add new pages or content. If you need a simple, affordable website, this might be the best option, but be aware of its limitations.


  • Typically Nice Designs
  • Minimal Monthly Cost
  • Technical SEO and Accessibility Usually Handled


  • Other Companies Might Have Identical Sites
  • Big Time Commitment
  • Usually Extremely Constrained
  • Maybe Hard To Add Onto


  • Cost To Build: 60-500$
  • Maintenance: 10$-250$ (realistically should never be more than 100$-150$ at most)

Custom Designed WordPress Website / Similar CMS Sites

Custom-designed WordPress websites are a popular choice for SMEs that rely heavily on their online presence. The biggest advantage is the ability to create a design that perfectly represents your brand. These websites are also flexible, allowing you to easily add content, pages, or functionality as needed. After the site is complete, most businesses can manage content updates themselves. While WordPress and other CMS platforms have some limitations, they are well-suited for most SMEs.

The main downside is cost, which can be a concern for smaller businesses. Custom WordPress sites typically start around $2,000 and can go up to $20,000 or more, depending on the complexity. For a simple 3-5 page website, expect to pay around $3,000, with a 10-page site closer to $5,000. Additional features like a built-in shop can increase the price.

Maintenance is another consideration. While most users can learn to update plugins and perform backups, minor bugs can occur over time due to conflicting plugins or other issues. Management fees typically range from $50 to $250 per month, but we at Innovio LLC believe that, unless additional services are provided, the cost should not exceed $100-$150 per month.


  • Custom Design
  • Easy And Flexible To Add on to
  • Technical SEO and Accessibility Handled By Agency
  • Minimal Time Commitment


  • Cost Can Be A Concern For Smaller Businesses
  • Maintenance Fees Can Be High depending on the agency


  • Cost To Build: 60-500$
  • Maintenance: 10$-250$ (realistically should never be more than 100$-150$ at most)

Custom Code / From Scratch

With a custom-coded, from-scratch website, the possibilities—and the price—are virtually limitless. The main advantage is the ability to create anything you want, provided you have the budget. However, for most smaller companies, these websites are unnecessary unless you have complex processes requiring custom solutions or extremely high security standards.

Costs can range from $5,000 to $500,000, with even simple designs starting around $5,000. Another major downside is that unless you’re a software developer, you’ll likely need to hire someone for even minor changes. For large corporations or businesses with very specific needs, custom-coded websites can be worth the investment, but for most, they don’t make sense from a cost perspective.


  • Custom Design
  • Easy And Flexible To Add on to
  • Limitless Possibilities


  • Extremely Expensive


  • Cost To Build: 5000$-500,000$+
  • Maintenance: 100$-10,000$+

Other Things That Affect The Cost To Build A Website

When considering the overall cost to build a website, it’s important to remember that several factors can significantly influence the final price beyond just the design and development. For instance, the choice of hosting provider and hosting plan can vary in cost, especially if you need more bandwidth or enhanced security features. Additionally, the cost of a domain name, ongoing maintenance, and updates should be factored in, as these can add up over time. If you require advanced features like custom integrations, e-commerce functionality, or enhanced SEO services, these will also increase the overall cost. Lastly, the level of customization and the complexity of your site’s content, such as multimedia elements or interactive features, can further impact the budget. All these elements together play a crucial role in determining the true cost of building and maintaining a website.

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